Foodbank reopens

Update on Okehampton Foodbank

Paul Wilson provided an update to Okehampton Town Council on the status of Foodbank. This is a summary of his report.

Paul Wilson, who is Chair of the new Foodbank organising committee but is better known as a leading light and musician in Wren Music, gave an update to the Town Council of the status of the Foodbank. He noted that several issues surrounding its sudden and unexpected closure were contentious and difficult and this report acknowledges a desire to steer away from issues related to its closure, other than to record the bare facts.

The Baptist Church closed the Foodbank operation on the 4th July and significant assets, were frozen, pending investigations and internal decisions about their futures. 

Immediately, 14 volunteers decided to setup an independent Foodbank to continue the vital work of the organisation.

Paul reported progress to date to the Town Council as:

We have secured fresh premises. 
We have set up a new bank account.
We are in the process of becoming a charitable entity.
A member of the Rotary Club will be joining our new committee
Waitrose supermarket is strongly supporting us.
We have donations being held for us by friends and supporters.
We are in discussion with the Trussell Trust.

Author: Editor, Okehampton.Org

Date published: 01-Aug-2024

In category: Society and Charities

Tagged by: foodbank

Comments Id: 43
